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About Me

Hi. I'm Jonathan. 


I've been working in the media for the last ten years.  I've  worked as an editor, producer, cameraman and director but I've also found time to shoot studio portraits.  As you can see from my portfolio, I've gained experience in a wide variety of media, acquiring many and varied skills along the way.


My specialisms though lie in formal portraiture and profile documentaries, like Last Man Out, the story of Wille Rodriguez, the last person to leave the Twin Towers on 9/11 and The Life of Dave, an account of the life and times of David Shayler, the MI5 whistle-blower and latter-day, self-styled Prophet.

I first got bitten by the film bug when I was 12.  A friend of the family was a cameraman at the BBC.  I remember him showing me the then state-of-the-art Beta Max camera and recording equipment he'd brought home.  I was absolutely fascinated by this modern technology and its potential to change the world.  From that moment, I knew a career in the media beckoned.


Nowadays of course, high tech kit is relatively cheap compared to what it was then.  That means that individuals like me can produce films with the production values of Hollywood blockbusters and network television.


Of course having the right kit is only a part of the equation.  As anyone in the media business will tell you -- whether they are director, cameraman, soundman or lighting technician -- you are only as good as your creativity, initiative and problem solving abilities will allow.


Every film, no matter whether fact or fiction, has to tell a story in the same way every studio portrait has to capture a unique moment or a quirk of character otherwise the  audience or viewer will simply turn away.

And that's where my experience of life comes in.  I've spent time with truth activists, rappers, conjurers, bankers, small businessmen, multi-millionaires, aristocracy and even party planners!  When I better understand people, I produce better work for them.

That way, I produce portraits or films which capture the essential character of each individual or company I work with whether it is a still studio portrait; a multimedia memento of a fun day at the annual company picnic or sports day; or the edited highlights of the latest, bang-up-to-date business seminar.

I also want to share what I have learnt over the years.  That is why I also hold training courses on different aspects of the skill sets needed to succeed in the modern media world.  As a seasoned professional, I can offer the sort of down-to-earth useful tips you really need to know when embarking on the free-lance life of the hand for hire.


So if you're interested or have any questions, then get in touch with me.  My contact details are below.




07775 608 695 or use the contact form

JKS Pictures

3 Palace Road, London, SW2 3DY


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